Episiotomy and Perineal Tear Physiotherapy
Perineal tears or episiotomies in vaginal deliveries are common procedures that can result in scar tissue formation. This can lead to various physical symptoms that can impact daily activities and quality of life. Physiotherapy can play a crucial role in assessing and managing these scars after 6 weeks postnatal and help improve the symptoms.
Perineal Scar Pain and Discomfort: This can range from a dull ache to sharp pain and can be present at rest or with activity, especially with intercourse or bowel movements.
Breastfeeding and Vaginal Atrophy: If you are breastfeeding and have been diagnosed with vaginal atrophy, which makes your vaginal tissue slightly dry and sensitive, scar tissue can feel stronger and more bothersome. If this is occurring, see your doctor or Women's Health Physiotherapist to help resolve your symptoms.
Numbness or Altered Sensation: Scarring can cause changes in nerve function, leading to numbness or altered sensation in the affected area.
Manual Therapy: This includes techniques such as perineal massage, gentle vaginal opening stretch, and soft tissue mobilization to break down scar tissue and improve mobility.
Exercise Therapy: This includes exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and overall function in the affected area.
Neuromuscular Re-Education: This involves retraining the affected muscles around the scar tissue (such as the pelvic floor) to improve their function and reduce pain and discomfort.
Education and Self-Management Techniques: Physiotherapists can educate patients on self-management techniques to reduce pain and discomfort and improve function.
In conclusion, perineal scar management is an important aspect of postnatal care, and physiotherapy can play a crucial role in improving symptoms and enhancing quality of life. If you have concerns about your scar or symptoms, we would love to help.